A Multidisciplinary Approach In Building Decentralized Solutions

Everything is about innovation in the 21st century. Throughout daily life, with an increasing call for innovation, people are susceptible to bringing in new technologies. From the use of a controller to controlling devices to using voice records to send orders; advanced technology has made room in everyone's regular lives. Technologies such as A.I and IoT have gained momentum over the past decade and there is now a new addition to the category, Blockchain Technology.

Blockchain, with its very first modern Bitcoin application, is a disruptive technology that has strongly influenced different industries, enabling them to leverage the power within their ecosystem to do things faster and reduce costs and complexity considerably. Several multi-domain companies look for new and innovative ways to utilize this technology to make it more efficient, secure and accurate. For this new decentralized technology to flourish and accelerate its development, therefore, it becomes absolutely necessary for developers to collaborate and learn through a multidisciplinary approach.

While blockchain infrastructure and use-cases are maturing, and the start-up ecosystem is growing rapidly, the deployment of production-ready networks is still relatively sparse. There are several technical challenges with blockchain like startups to have a collaborative approach and interoperability that can be an integral part of it, and the ability to overcome these may determine the extent of its deployment over the coming years. Perhaps enhancing that learning curve, that's when real-world solutions can introduce checks building on these disruptive trends, by potentially making them more collaborative and interoperable.

submitted by /u/ExtensionQuail
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