I’m making this post to start a discussion.
Recently, [Peter Thiel warns bitcoin might serve as a Chinese financial weapon against the US](https://markets.businessinsider.com/currencies/news/peter-thiel-bitcoin-chinese-financial-weapon-against-us-threatens-dollar-2021-4-1030284380). **Maybe there is some grounds to this. How could China, Russia, Iran use BTC to weaken USD? Hoard BTC themselves as a backing for an own digital currency?**
I’ve always thought there will be some small central bank that will adopt BTC as reserves.
**Some interesting things that could indicate things are slowly happening.**
[China-Iran $400 Billion Accord: A Power Shift Threatens Western Energy](https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielcohen/2021/04/05/china-iran-400-billion-accord-a-power-shift-threatens-western-energy/?sh=1877bacf9e00)
[China-Iran Bank deal](https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/436652/China-s-Bank-of-Kunlun-starts-operation-in-Iran), exchanging not in USD but in Yuan, for now.. Digital Yuan next?
[China owns Bitcoin from the onecoin scam](https://www.scmp.com/tech/article/2148114/china-prosecutes-98-people-recovers-us268-million-onecoin-cryptocurrency)
[Iran state is mining bitcoin](https://www.coindesk.com/inside-irans-onslaught-on-bitcoin-mining)
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