###Status of the Bitcoin network as of Friday, October 30, 2020 at 12:00:02 EST:
**Total bitcoins:** 18,529,864.794971
**Height:** 654,791
**Difficulty:** 19,997,335,994,446.109375
######Statistics for the past 24 hours:
**Number of blocks mined:** 120
**Total bitcoins output (amount sent):** 2,799,090.645826
**Total fees:** 278.918015
**Average time until block found:** 12 minutes, 0 seconds
**Estimated hashrate:** 119,288,755,651.270157 gh/s
**Current price:** US$13,591.61
*Data provided by [Smartbit.com.au](https://www.smartbit.com.au). Price data provided by [Coinbase.com](https://www.coinbase.com).*
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