Bull or bear. We are the frontiers.

Every day more and more businesses accept crypto. I remember the early days of crypto people would try to challenge themselves to live on only crypto for a week. It was almost impossible. Today in most metropolises, you can live only on crypto without any issues. Amazing how far we have come. And we are just beginning.

As of may 2021 we have [22230 venues](https://coinmap.org) accepting crypto and it is increasing every single day.

With the evolution of new technologies, we might see a mayor shift from centralised banking to decentralised, for the first time in human history. We have a very exciting time ahead of us no matter how the prices develop.

My point is, that if you believe in the future of crypto, you don’t need to study charts. The currencies that have use cases for more and more people each day, will be worth investing in in the long run. By doing that you both support the technologies you believe in, and invest wisely.

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