Crypto is Not Political, Let’s Keep it That Way

The cryptocurrency sub is not the place to discuss politics. We have conservative HODLers and liberal HODLers. We have people from all over the world not just one or two countries. It is an inclusive for all community.

We are here because we have chosen to invest in crypto knowledge and share it with each other as a community. If you want to own the libs there are plenty of places to do so just like there are full on communities to bashing conservatives. Please take it there.

According to Forbes ( there was only one senator in the US who had disclosed that they own Bitcoin in 2020. This is hardly enough evidence to say that any one American political party is or is not the party of crypto, and considering this is a worldwide forum there certainly is not any evidence that there is some large liberal or conservative movement for or against crypto on some large scale.

So far all the evidence I’ve seen is that politicians who have the most to gain financially promote it and those who don’t are mostly scared due to FUD. There are people on each side who do it.

Please do not let crypto become a tool for powerful people to wield more power. Crypto is about empowering YOU, the investor as is the cryptocurrency sub. If crypto is to remain in a political grey area it’s up to people like you and I to fight against those who are trying to push narratives.

Edit – Some of you made some excellent points about why it is political. Rather than responding to each individually let me clarify.

I should have said there is no official party of crypto and no official anti-crypto party no matter the narratives a few bad faith actors want to push.

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