NFT uptrend: Riga to host the Street art NFT exhibition

TL;DR Breakdown

• Kiwie 1001 is after linking NFT and street art.
• NFT will add value to the projects of local artists.

A physical showroom for non-fungible tokens will open in Latvia, specifically in Riga, in the coming weeks. This non-fungible token gallery was launched by Kiwie 1001, a non-fungible token project born out of the Latvian street art collective.

These presentations will be available to anyone who wants to participate; art pieces are to be sent by Discord for exhibition. The participating pieces will be voted and chosen by the great community, with Kiwie 1001 also having a voice in the election. The show is dated June, when the gallery opens in Riga, Latvia.

NFT art origins

The combination of non-fungible tokens and street art is strange, particularly because of the reluctance artists have with advertising. Many street artists refuse to have their projects used for commercial purposes. However, this idea has changed with this strange but striking fusion with NFTs.

Non-fungible token can solve the problems that accompany presentations in street art including the ability to display without breaking. A street artist can make a project anchored to the NFTs without it being illegal or repudiated by the people in the country.

Storing street pieces like NFTs on a blockchain may seem like a lot of work, but it’s worth the work. Although there are simpler methods of displaying street art, such as a photograph, economically, it is not standardized. With the fusion of art with NFT, artists can receive money for all the effort they have put into their projects.

Kiwie 1001 strategy with NFT art

The Kiwie 1001 trading strategy, provided by Kristaps Vaivods, attempts to store the tokens in a physical area that would help spread them. This action would also increase the NFT fame and give street art increased recognition.

Vaivods believes that non-fungible tokens have become the main source of profit for traders, although it still needs to be worked on. Kiwie 1001 wants to promote street art while helping NFTs gain recognition.

Kiwie 1001’s business strategist also adds that the showroom for non-fungible token has been launched with many goals. This measure is taken as an artistic revolution that will help many artists around the world.

Non-fungible tokens open up a lot of access in creative terms for many artists to use. These tokens are very practical in their operation, which helps to boost the careers of small artists. With this anchoring method, local artists can have their first income from their creative work in decentralized currency.

Trading with non-fungible tokens is growing and many traders are relying on their speculative rate. NFTs could be used by other artists, in a way increasing their popularity. The project is innovative and may lead to other exhibitions in Riga and other regions moving forward.

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