Potential scam: Value Defi allegedly lied about their co-founder

Update: Im too late, they scammed for sure


The anon defi project “Value Defi” claimed to have a co-founder named Anna Tanaka on Twitter. She is a very well spoken, good-looking woman who would go on polished videos promising a reduction of gas fees, better routing, rebased tokens, deflationary new products, etc etc.

As it turns out, she’s an actress on Fiverr. Twitter user heiheithechick called this out.

Here’s screenshots where they claim she’s the co-founder on Twitter and her Fiverr profile.



I say ‘allegedly’ because for all we know it’s just a normal company whose social media person is an idiot, but considering the fact that anyone can put a coin on BSC for free, and there have been a series of rugpulls lately (Zap, PopcornSwap, Tin, etc) I would urge people to take precaution here.

It seems that Anna Tanaka is a fairly common Japanese name, so maybe they thought they’d be protected through obscurity. Youtube still has her videos upon their official channel.


Whether this is a scam or not should be revealed soon. But either way, it’s a good reminder that any monkey can roll a slick-looking crypto exchange, token, and defi product by copying an open-source one from Github, and hire a bunch of actors to sweet talk you for very little money.

And a lesson for ValueDefi: Don’t understate people’s ability to creep on women on the Internet.

Be extremely skeptical out there. If it looks too good to be true, run!

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