Read The Economist to get a sense of what the mainstream financial establishment thinks of crypto. Hint: It’s an almost laughable amount of FUD in every article.

A few examples…

[Why regulators should treat stablecoins like banks](

Example quote: *”Twelve years after bitcoin was born, governments are still struggling to cope with cryptocurrencies. Britain has banned Binance, a crypto exchange and the European Union’s regulators want transactions to be more traceable. On August 3rd Gary Gensler, the head of America’s Securities and Exchange Commission, said cryptocurrency markets were “rife with fraud, scams and abuse” and called on Congress to give his agency new regulatory powers. The price of bitcoin, the biggest cryptocurrency, gyrates with regulators’ every word.”*

[Is the bitcoin dream over?](

Quote: “*Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin promised to upend the financial system and replace conventional money with assets outside the control of governments and banks. Yet a single tweet can cause its value to rise or fall sharply. This volatility makes it a lousy medium of exchange.*”

[Why bitcoin uses so much energy](

Quote: “*Bitcoin has been alarming people for years…*”

[What if bitcoin went to zero?](

…The list goes on. Highly recommended reading for laughs at these dinosaurs.

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