I’ve been using Exodus Wallet *(Exodus Movement, Inc. for those on android…)* for the past few months and it seems like they are making relatively significant progress on their public offering, having just filed an [offering circular with the SEC](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1821534/000114036121009892/nt10013846x12_1aa.htm). The token now shows up in the App and is called EXIT.
My experience with Exodus Wallet has been good but there are pros and cons for sure. To me it feels like they are taking a Robinhood approach with respect to convenience vs. complexity (ala market order vs. limit order). I came across a decent [article from Exodus](https://medium.com/exodus-movement/10-reasons-e7ef06042cae) describing why their platform might not be right for you as a crypto investor, however the article is from 2018 and some of the points outdated (talks about no mobile app).
This type of business model again has its own pros and cons for me as an investor. It reads to me like Exodus is positioning themselves towards the greater influx of retail investors that has (hopefully, likely) yet to come. There is a lot of credence to that model in my opinion. The most apparent risks relate to strength of the bull market and evolving mainstream interest in crypto, as well as Exodus ability to provide an increasingly well-received customer experience.
Part of my interest in the discussion more revolves around how the Exodus Public Offering compares to other exchange offerings like Binance Coin (BNB), Crypto.com (CRO) OceanEx (OCE), etc. More specifically, **how do coins like these find a fair value and what are factors that influence an increase or decrease in their value?**
Two I could think of-
# of users (adoption and volume on the exchange)
Incentives (APY for holding on the exchange, lower fees for using exchange token)
I’d love to hear about peoples experience with offerings from other exchanges and how it might relate to the Exodus Public Offering.
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