What time of day are the top submissions posted for various crypto-subreddits?

Following a previous post about visualising the timeline of top posts in various crypto-related subreddits (link [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/o2o5xz/when_were_the_top_posts_of_various_crypto/)), I’ve repeated this for time of day of the posts.

The data comes from the top-scoring 1000 posts from each subreddit and the distribution of the time of day of these posts is plotted for Eastern Time USA (which is mostly 6 hours offset from CET).

Each post is a Gaussian with a width of 10 minutes, centred on its submission time. All these Gaussians are then summed and plotted


Let me know what other data analyses you’d like to see with these data! I have all comments and their replies and all post data.

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